Wednesday, December 9, 2009

September 2009

September 28

...following the warmth down
to the ember
a beginning glowing
of hope to fan a flame
that is not quite fire
the feeling of possibilities
in open sharing

Well into week 3. Is it really week 3? We are stronger and eaking into courageousness despite spelling and technical difficulties. Color is mighty. And we speak of looking into a color, letting it enter our being and experiencing what happens. And we learn patience, the year of painting is still in a fledgling stage. We learn paitience as we pick color in water up onto our brushes and apply our brushes to pages with our own forms of intention. Well, we are in week 3. Painting continues. Words follow.


What is it like?
artistic process
social process
economic process
or anything else

What is it to tell each other this way? How different than verbally?

What record do we create?

Maybe this time we come out of chaos early instead of late...

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